[Originally posted July 13, 2006 on MySpace -- and I have no idea how I missed it in the migration to this site. None.]
Oh, whammy. I had forgotten about my girl-crush on Heidi Klum (what with my #1 girl-crush, the divine Angelina Jolie, being in the news so much lately) until the third season of Project Runway premiered last night. But there she was, an incandescent ball of sweet goofiness given glorious human form, moving me to actually exclaim, "Awww!" when she first appeared onscreen.
What sealed the deal was when she discovered that a potential contestant was from Germany, like Klum herself, and began speaking rapid German with such obvious excitement and delight over encountering one of Her People. It was like watching a golden Labrador puppy do something especially endearing.
Now, I need to clarify the difference between a girl-crush and a regular crush. (Jason, don't read this part.) The kind of crushes I have on Jolie, Klum and Queen Latifah are the ones where I want to have coffee with them, hang out, talk and giggle, give them a big hug and let them know how wonderful they are. Now, I want to do all that with Ewan Macgregor, too, but I also want to commit specific indignities upon his body. I mean, I've got a to-do list here. It's the difference in crushes, in fact, that confirms to me that I'm a 0 on the Kinsey scale.