Get yer garlic out, it's Vampire Blog-a-Thon time! Nathaniel at The Film Experience will spend the day compiling blog entries on vampire films. Check TFE for updates and more posts as the day progresses. Here, I give you my thoughts on the wretched ensemble acting that is Bram Stoker's Dracula.
My dad and I had a theory about how to tell whether bad behavior was due to an individual or an organization. We figured one jerk was a jerk, two jerks was a coincidence and three jerks was a policy. A similar parallel can be drawn for bad film performances. One bad performance is bad acting; two is bad casting; three or more is bad directing. In Bram Stoker's Dracula, just about every performance is bad to one degree or another, meaning it's a case of bad acting, casting and directing. Trifecta!
Oh, put it away, Gary.
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