If you've ever gotten a yen to make your own golem but can't figure out where to find the raw materials, may I suggest your shower drain. In between hosting a Showgirls party and installing a garbage disposal this weekend (we hacksawed through the sink pipe; we are freaking gods), Jason and I bought one of those zip-it drain cleaner doohickeys. My shower had seemed somewhat clogged lately, so we decided to try it out there first.
This is what we found. It's an aggregate of several hauls, each one of which felt like landing a bigmouth bass. After the second lump of hair and... something, I started laughing hysterically out of sheer terror. "That came off of me!" We ascertained that it wasn't going to seek revenge, took a quick photo to remember it by, then hustled it into a plastic bag and out of the house. Hours later, Jason was still remarking on its smell.
Yeah, I know: we had a party for the most exuberantly bad movie ever made, then an epic battle with the undersink plumbing, but this is the part of my weekend I most want to share with you. 'Cause I love y'all like that.
See what I miss out on by applying that new high-pressure blast thingie from the hardware store to my clogged drains? And I always so did want to build my own golem!
Posted by: Cheesemeister | January 16, 2007 at 04:31 AM
I had the exact same experience with my zip it. The smell is truly horrific.
Posted by: Juice | December 01, 2010 at 02:01 PM
Hairs are common reason for having a drain blockage and a smell of a clogged drain is so disgusting, really hate this messy job.
Posted by: Drain blockage | September 03, 2011 at 02:30 AM