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January 30, 2007



You are a mean (yet inspired) cat mommy.

I can't choose which ensemble is my favorite, but the poncho thingie makes me giggle more.

That's it...you have to bring your kitties to visit me, and then we can have a dress up the kitties party!


Catherine Cantieri

It's a kitty play date! Only I think they'd hate-hate-hate it. Which makes it so much better... :-)


You could mop the kitchen floor with that red turtleneck. Slap it on your kitteh and you've got an instant, low-tech Rumba.

Laurence Simon

I'm shocked and fascinated.

Connecticut Yankee

I bought my Sylvester (female in spite of the name) a Mets cap last summer-- dog size small. (Friend downstairs is a ferocious Mets fan and Sylvester goes down to watch baseball games with her about three nights a week during the season). This year, the Phillies cap (my team). It may be that the velcro straps on the cap allow it to be adjusted for a cat's head size and ear location-- the fit is actually pretty good, the challenge is getting Sylvester to keep it on.

I have a doctorate from an Ivy school and it never surprised me that cats are built differently from dogs-- but it may be I was enlightened early by growing up as a cat person in an extended family full of dog lovers.

Catherine Cantieri

Update! We put their outerwear on them on Saturday and let them outside for a little while. Before long, Emily had worked her poncho into a kind of ill-fitting hula skirt. She seemed to like it that way, but it only impressed upon us that ordering the smaller size was a good idea.

Mojo bumbled along gamely for a bit, still close to the ground, but starting to get a feel for moving around in his jacket. To our unease, when we took the jacket off of him, we saw that it had indented the fur around his back half, meaning it was *snug* around him. A "Dog-Medium" is snug on our boy cat. SNUG! Eep!!


Mojo and Emily must be really embarrassed by those photos. You'd never catch me wearing anything but my own fur.


Oh those poor feline friends !! To have to meekly submit to dress-ups... the shame... the horror... the utter humiliation... the fun it generates with the simians (and we all know how apes love to make fun of decent people !)...

I guess our Zorro has the world record for removal-of-offensive-bedeckings: it took him 0.5 seconds to get rid of a collar. I doubt I would be able to come in his vicinity with any kind of kitty-garment (or otherwise) and live to tell...

Critter, our late woofie, loved dress-ups. Many was the ribbon she would gaily wear and she had this cute little cap too. But the felines have entirely too much dignity for that.

Although truth to tell, personally I do like the poncho. Those colours are so fetching on her !

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