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March 01, 2007



I missed the first part of the show and this helped fill in the blanks.

This was a great read, but I'm surprised that you focused so much on the weaves. Wigs and Weaves (on Black and White models) has become the norm.

Catherine Cantieri

You're totally right about the prevalence of weave (I like using it as a collective noun for some reason) in the recap. I'm just so clueless when it comes to the wide, wide world of weave. I'm still like, "Dude! Detatchable hair!" So I probably focused on it due to my na-weave-ete, if you will.

That said, it was a rather weave-centric episode, from Dionne being identified as "1B-30" to poor Cassandra sewing a wig onto her head. (I can't even fathom that. Wouldn't it hurt?)

And I'm sure next week will be weave-a-licious with the makeovers. We saw some sneak peeks on Wednesday's show, but I'm predicting a 3-foot cascade of blond weave for Sarah.

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