We interrupt our blog already in progress for a special bulletin. If you or someone you love owns a hair salon, works as a paparazzi photographer, has a Starbucks franchise, frequents nightclubs or is employed at a strip-mall pet store anywhere in the vicinity of Southern California, be aware: Britney Spears has left rehab.
This time, she's supposedly "graduated," having spent 30 whole days at Promises, the most laid-back substance-abuse treatment facility this side of Dr. Nick Riviera. And while Britney might have attended a couple of AA meetings during her stay (off-site meetings, for some reason -- the better to be photographed entering and leaving, perhaps?), I have no reason to believe she's changed that much.
Because Britney's drug of greatest dependence is still attention. She needs to be reported upon like junkies need the needle, but she lacks the discipline (and talent) to produce something noteworthy, so she'll inevitably go the quick-and-dirty route. In other words, the cooter-shot countdown begins now, my friends.