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April 28, 2007



Dr. Boogie is quite a character, but he can get very annoying at times. I never cared too much for Theodore, but that boy knows how to make an exit. This whole Tyson vs. Tabatha thing is fun. However, Tyson is no match for the diva. Tabatha shall be victorious. I'm pleased that Evangelin won this challenge. She deserved it.

Great post!


"However, Tyson is no match for the diva."

That and pretty much any quote from "The Ref" pretty much covers it.

How come Queen Diva Alien Bada** Tabatha places in the top three so often but never wins? Whine.


I'm heartsick over Theodore leaving. Now I guess I'll have to remain straight for the rest of my life; he was the only one I'd go gay for.


Shear Genius Online Episode Seeker

What? No YouTube link for this one?

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