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May 17, 2007



Holy crap I missed a lot when I fell asleep early last night! Thanks for the recap, I was sure that B&B would be going home, however, given the attitudes, I won't miss T&T all that much.


I'm loving this show so much and it's for three simple reasons --

1. The challenges feel real and unforced (no dogs!)

2. It's quite clear to even an uninformed viewer if a cut and style are technically good AND if the client is happy. There's little handwaving about aesthetics and editorial intent.

3. Crap work gets you cut -- there's no catering to the cult of obnoxious personalities in the name of "good TV". In the world of real-people customer service, crazy doesn't pay the bills and neither does being unprofessional.

Who knew a competition for hair dressers would have the most honesty and ethics of any reality show out there?


Ah, I loved Tabatha, so I hate to see her go. And while Tyson got on my ever-loving nerves, I don't like seeing him eliminated this early, since I do recognize his talent. This is why I don't like team challenges, period.

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