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May 11, 2007



Catty ! How come you think so damn much like me?


Wait, does that make Emily & Mojo semi-fake cats?
Dionne is the only photo worth taking in this group--even given the vacant face which actually works in a sort of virgin-sacrifice kind of way. Renee looks like she's fallen from a very high tree, girl looks like a chalk outline. Jaslene looks like she's pronouncing the death sentence. Natasha looks like the Blair Witch with those foggy haunted eyes, where's her stick doll?
And you said someone "did" their hair? Damn, mine looked better than that this morning when I flopped out of the sack to look in the mirror and ask, "What the hell's up with that?"

Catherine Cantieri

Well, remember, Mojo is a Medium Dog, size-wise. And Emily is a reincarnated Victorian dowager. So they're kinda semi-cats, in their way.

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