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June 27, 2007



Dogs are awesome.


I really love your blog. I've been meaning to tell you that forever now.


Sorry I haven't been around in forever! I'll do this as soon as I can.


Other than being cuter than me I can't think of what you'd owe me an apology about...OH, and for tagging me on this darned meme thing...


Hey girl, Congrats on the bike! Edwierdo & I will pick out new ones & we can spend fall days biking along the beach boardwalk then stopping for pizza. Twill be good.

The Truffle

My meme response is now posted! Enjoy!


I totally relate to the retroactive career counselling thing! I too dream of being a dancer (in spite of being demoted in ballet class when I was 9 ... such a klutz I am!)

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