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July 13, 2007



Thanks for the recap. This show was such a bizarre mix of things, I'm glad you were able to make some sense out of it. I'm glad for Leilene, who I wanted to win all along.



Go Leilene!


Could it be that Larissa reminds you of Elvira?


Thank you for ALL the incredibly funny recaps of Charm School.
The show's not available here (I'm not locked up in an institution of any sort, just living in a different country), but I believe I got the best bits while reading it all here.
Plus, I can't remember the last time I've laughed as much as I have tonight (I read all the recaps just now in a row).
I tip my bonnet to you and thank you!


Maybe the next show will be Charm School for Man-Whores, which will take New York's cast-offs and turn them into better human beings. They can include Flav in that, I think he needs the work. Because apparently Flav showed up backstage to the Charm School Reunion. Perhaps he wants credit for collecting all these fine women in one place for VH1 to make shows for.


What's the name of the theme song that's played at the end? Its so relaxing !

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