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July 29, 2007



Nice reviews! I too tuned into Burn Notice for the Bruce and stayed for the ensemble. And Sharon Gless as the smoking meddling crazy mom doesn't hurt!! I love it!
I'll have to check out the PBS show. As an art history major I'm surprised at how much I still don't know about artists. Sounds cool!


You and I really are separated at birth, ScreamPunch. I and my hubbie are TOTALLY addicted to Simon Schama's Power of Art, which is the most astonishing exercise in dramatizing art history I've ever seen...it's like DYNASTY, but with talent.

I'm also watching DESIGN STAR, and have BURN NOTICE TiVo'd. As for Ramsay, I think I can only deal with him once a week. ;-)


I have to respect anybody who admits to liver-destroying drinking habits in public. I haven't watched Ramsay yet, I've heard he's absolutely insane.
But yet, they so lack the absolute waste of skin that is Scott Baio, who is 45, single, and we can sure see why!


Thank you for making me aware of the existence of Burn Notice. I LOVE Bruce Campbell! USA sure does put out some fine shows.


Glad to see some Burn Notice love. I was wondering if you are still watching Top Chef, or if the drama of Season 2 has thrown you off. Love your commentary, and wish to see it more :)


If I get all caught up in Simon Schama's Power Of Art I'll have you to blame, missy. The reviews I'd read so far made me less than inspired to rent it, but if it delivers like it has to you, I'll be very happy...

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