Ah, man. I'm so sorry. You guys are going to kill me. I know I just restarted blogging a few weeks ago, but I think I'm going to have to stop for good. I'd been planning to stop blogging at the end of the year, since I'll most likely be entering a part-time MBA program while holding down my full-time job. But then several events occurred in short succession that led me to think that the universe itself wants me to stop blogging right this minute.
I had planned to recap the premiere of I Love New York 2 this weekend (I actually like her this time around; I guess that's what exposure to the perma-sleaze of Bret Michaels will do to you). But then J and I spent most of our time on a massive landscape project, and honestly, after wrestling with 15-year-old monster shrubs, you don't have much creative energy left. Then I decided to blog about it last night. After taking the GMAT that morning, I was pretty sure I had shot my intellectual wad, but I was determined to get the new recap up before the second episode aired.
No such luck. I was 80% of the way through the recap when I opened another tab in my browser and suddenly, everything froze up and I lost my post in the restart. Then I was going to try again gamely this morning, but I received notification from Dailymotion that two of the four videos I uploaded had been taken down for copyright violations, and it finally occurred to me: someone, somewhere is trying to tell me something. And I think that something is "give it up, sister."
So I'd like to thank you all for giving me a second chance, and apologize for squandering it. You've been an awesome audience, and I'm grateful for all the comments and emails. Now go find a blogger who won't let you down!
Love always,