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October 31, 2007



I love the look on Emily's face... You're a braver woman than I to do this to your cats, but I'm glad you're doing it!


Ha! I love the evil they are plotting on you. Glad to see you this Halloween!


You need to submit those to StuffOnMyCat.com - Lately there have been some lame pictures on there, these would be much better.


Yeah! I'm just so happy to see a new post. Thanks for throwing us a bone, so to speak...


I love the cats in costumes! And think you're very brave to have stuffed them into costumes. My cats would shred me.


Please, don't stop blogging. I just found your blog.

Smurfs Outfit

wow! that's a cute cat you have there! I was hoping to find the same costume as the one you exactly have!!!

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